Storyline Media
“Water Warriors” is an award-winning short film and multimedia exhibit about a community’s successful fight to protect their water and way of life. In 2013, Texas-based SWN Resources arrived in rural New Brunswick, Canada to explore for natural gas. The region is known for its forestry, farming and fishing industries, which are both commercial and subsistence operations that rural communities depend on. In response, a small group of unlikely warriors—including members of the Mi’kmaq Elsipogtog First Nation, French-speaking Acadians, and English-speaking families—set up a series of road blockades, preventing exploration. After months of resistance, their efforts not only halted drilling, they elected a new government and won an indefinite moratorium on fracking in the province. “Water Warriors” demonstrates that people, united, can win against insurmountable odds.
Recent grant history
Year | Project | Grant Award |
2019 | General Support | $30,000 |