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June Wilson and other NCFP Fellows Discuss the Role of Racial Justice in Family Philanthropy

For two days at the end of 2021, Compton Foundation’s executive director June Wilson joined other foundation directors, philanthropists, policymakers, and boardmembers at the Racial Justice in Family Philanthropy Symposium, hosted by the National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP).

Welcome from Day 2 of NCFP’s Racial Justice Symposium

On the second day of the symposium, June joined other NCFP Fellows to discuss the current movement to shift philanthropy from a what we do mindset to a who we are mindset.

Lessons from Our Racial Justice Cohort

Later on the second day, June facilitated a conversation with members of NCFP’s first Racial Justice Learning and Action Network, who talked about their own equity journeys and the lessons they’ve learned.

Closing Remarks, Call to Action, and Announcements

Closing Comments and Reflections

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